3 Movies I Recommend

Today I have decided to write out a few of my favourite movies for you so you can learn a little more about me.

First off is The Help, if you’ve read my blog post on favourite books, which you can read here, you will see that The Help is my favourite book, ever and funnily enough, it happens to be my favourite movie.

th hep

Next is a film called Pride. I watched this film for the first time recently and loved it so much. It’s a film adaptation of real life events involving gays, lesbians fighting with the miners to gain support to the cause.


Lastly is 10 Things I Hate About You. This sounds so corny but I love this movie. Normally I’m not a romance person, typically horror or education/comedy, like the two above, but the morals and beliefs the protagonist holds really engaged me, also, Heath Ledger.


And that’s it! hope you enjoyed this, let me know if you’ve watched these films and recommend some in the comments below, toodledoo!xx

-Erika xx

Wishlist for October

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So about this time last month I did a wishlist for September and it went quite well so I thought I’d do one for October!xx


Lately, I’ve been really really really wanting this painting from Art.com. For some odd reason I’ve been obsessed with it, mainly because I’ve been looking at a lot of room décor lately and I basically fell in love. The painting is called “Balcony” (for obvious reasons) and it’s painted by M. C. Escher (click for portfolio). I just really want it, and for not even £10, it’s beautiful!

Red Floral Beaded Sleeveless A-line DressNext is this gorgeous dress from Choies.com. I really love the colouring of it and think it’s overall stunning. It reminds me of a Chinese traditional painting you would find on a scroll or plate, it’s very pretty!

The Vault

I saw this book somewhere online and I actually was just really intrigued by the cover of the book so hopefully I will get a chance to read The Vault this month.

Now, I’ve seen so many shoes this past month, and instead of choosing one, I’m going to put them all, I regret nothing. First is this black loafer, next is this shiny black heeled shoe, it’s just too pretty not to want.



Now is this bag. Oh my gosh is this bag beautiful!


And that’s it! I shall either mourn of the loss of these or pray for my bank account, either way, toodledoo!xx

-Erika xx

Skin Care Routine

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I’m going to be doing a skin/face care routine because everybody want skin that looks like a 2 year old. (not sponsored, I bought with my own money, poor bank account 😦 )

To start of, I’ll start by describing my skin type. I have always had bad skin. At 7 I was told I had eczema and allergic to milk and egg, not what a 7 year old wants to hear before Christmas. This eczema left very tight rough skin and would often flake, literally, I looked like a snowflake. This carried onto for several years going to the doctors every couple of months. My eczema was lucky minor and wouldn’t cause much stress, that’s what my doctor with a PhD said, lord was he wrong. When I was 13, after having the same skin schedule for 6 years (!!!) I woke up one morning to my face not being able to move. My face and neck was so dehydrated, despite putting moisturising cream and hydrating cream often. The doctors at my local hospital couldn’t help, so I had to go to a dermatologist. luckily, it worked, he gave me cream which burned my skin the first time using it and made me cry, the pain was real. I got better, thank gosh, but then at the beginning of this summer (May 2015) it happened again. My face constantly itched and was very red from inflammation (blood rising to the skin looking like you’re sunburnt).

To conclude, it’s safe to say these creams for safe for sensitive skinned people. I get you guys, I really do.

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Now onto the cream, I apply this Avon 3 in 1 gentle aloe (not the same but similar!) cleansing, soothing and hydrating cream twice a day, once when I wake up, once after a shower/bath. On the bottle it says it’s milk but I feel as it’s a cream as it thicker than usual milk hydrators. It does cleanse the skin but even still I do have a few spots, but the roughness of skin has decreased immensely, considering I used to look like a concrete wall, I now I can at least stretch my skin.


In the mornings after I’ve put the 3 in 1 gentle aloe, I put the Aloe Propolis Crème. Apply evenly and leave for a few minutes so your skin absorbs it (sounds more fun than it actually is). Next smother the Aloe Moisturising Lotion onto your skin and your face will feel so smooth you’ll want to constantly touch it (don’t! you’ve got bacteria on your hands!)

When I use the 3 in 1 after the shower, I just use the Aloe Vera Gelly which is a thick clear (and cold)consistency. It basically smooth’s your skin making you feel like a dog sticking its head out a speeding car, free and slobbery (again, sounds more disgusting than it actually is).

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I use this face mask one in a while when I feel like pampering and perfecting my skin. This is tied first with the H&M face masks which are pure perfection. The Planet Spa mask is lovely on skin and feels very smooth once finished. Also, it’s got a cute logo, so bonus. I live the glamorous lifestyle.

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And that’s it. This was actually so fun as I love finding out new creams and moisturising my face and shaping my eyebrows to make them look like Cara Delevingne’s. Never works but hey, it’s fun. Toodledoo!xx

-Erika xx

Cupcakes Recipe + eBook Giveaway!

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As I was going to make cupcakes for a little tea party I was having with my neighbour and adorable baby, I thought might as well record it, yay cupcakes!


  • Bowls
  • measuring jug/scale/tbsp.
  • wooden spoons
  • baking tray
  • cupcake cases
  • piping bag/syringe.

Ingredients for cupcake:

  • 150g softened butter
  • 150g sugar
  • 150g self-raising flour (if you want chocolate sponge, remove 2 tbsps. and add 2 tbsps. of cocoa powder)
  • 3 beaten eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. milk

Ingredients for frosting:

  • 75g butter (room temp.)
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • food colouring (optional)

Recipe for cupcake mix:

Pre heat the over at 200°C/392F (exact)/390F (rounded off)

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

gradually mix the beaten eggs into the mix alternating with the flour so it doesn’t curdle.

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Finally, stir through the vanilla extract and milk.

Place the cupcake cases into a muffin tin and carefully and evenly spoon the mix into each case. Bang ’em in the over for 15-20 minutes depending on how quickly your oven heats up.


Remove once golden and springy and leave to cool.

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Recipe for frosting:

In a bowl, beat the butter with a spoon until smooth, then sift the icing sugar, stirring regularly.

Add the vanilla extract and milk and stir. The frosting should now be light and creamy. Add food colouring and mix until desired colour.

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Once cupcakes are cooled, using a piping bag or syringe, gently squeeze and lift slightly to make these little petals. Carry on doing this till the centre. You could add chocolate buttons or a Oreo in the centre if you wish.

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This needs a lot of patience, I started and stopped after one because since it’s so hot where I am (its awful, seriously) it just melted, so yeah I gave up. That’s it, toodledoo!xx

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-Erika xx